Paint Room System provides a clean and controlled environment for finishing, at the same time removing any paint overspray from the air utilizing exhaust filters. The results are clean air in an enclosed, protected painting area with particulate-free air consumed from the booth area. The most critical function of a paint booth is to contain paint overspray, keeping your employees and the environment safe. In enhancement to safety, quality can be significantly improved with a Paint Room System. Enclosed paint booths offer a contaminant-free environment for better quality paint tasks sand blasting machine.
Types of the Paint Booth System
- Crossflow paint booth
- Side downdraft paint booth
- Semi downdraft
- Open face industrial booth
Crossflow paint booth System
In a cross-flow paint booth System, fresh air enters through the booth entry doors in the front and is exhausted through a filter system on the opposite end of the booth. The cross-dry paint booth system works by drawing air horizontally over the article (object) to be painted. Typically, the air is drawn directly from the shop environment through filters found within the doors of the Paint Room System. Paint overspray is exhausted through exhaust filters.
Side Downdraft paint booth System
Side Downdraft paint booths system bring air in through the roof and exhaust it out the sidewalls of the paint booth. Side Downdraft paint booth allows for a downdraft finish quality but doesn’t require a concrete pit. It might seem like a Side Downdraft paint booth is all the benefits of the downdraft without any drawbacks (concrete work etc.), but there are some negatives to a Side Downdraft Paint Room System. The first is that it will require a lot of ductwork which can often lead to a cost similar or even more expensive than a downdraft paint booth.
Semi-downdraft Spray Booth System
Semi-downdraft Spray Booth combines the two airflows described above (cross draft and downdraft). This type of booth is associated with higher quality finish requirements. The Semi-downdraft airflow design utilizes both the principle of a downdraft along with a cross draft design. Air is introduced in a ceiling amount plenum typically located at the front of the paint Room System. The air then moves down and back towards the rear exhaust plenum which is at the opposite end of the booth and located closer to the floor. The air has a “Semi-Downdraft” movement and passes over the part in a downwards and then horizontal movement as it surrounds the rear exhaust plenum.
Open face paint room system
Open face paint booth are simply available in cross draft airflow; however, enclosed Shot Blasting Machine is available in several airflow styles, including cross draft, side downdraft, and downdraft. The way of airflow can have a significant impact on the quality of the paint finish With cross draft airflow, air enters at the front of the booth, then flows horizontally through the Paint Room System in India, over the product, and into a filter bank at the rear of the spray room. As one product is scattered, overspray may be pulled across products downstream, affecting the quality of the paint job.
Open face water curtain paint room system
The paint fume particles are absorbed by the partial vacuum created by the exhaust fan through a water curtain. The air is cleaned by scrubbing action in turbulent water. The particulate matter that remains floating on the water tank is periodically removed manually. The air discharged into the atmosphere is clean and thus keeps the environment clean and friendly.
Paint Room System In India
Sprayblast is one of the best Paint room System in India Manufacturers in India. we are also a manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Sand Blasting Machine, Shot Blasting Machine, Sand Blasting cabinet, Shot Blasting room, sand blasting Nozzle in India at a low price for sale. at Sand Blasting Hopper etc Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India with the best quality.
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