Abrasive etching machine equipment is still called sand blasting machine equipment, in spite of the fact that sand is rarely used to etch glass anymore. However, it is not just any sandblasting equipment. Blasting equipment used to etch glass has evolved for its specialized purpose in the past twenty years. Compared to regular blasting equipment, the equipment designed for glass has smaller, more easily manipulated hoses and nozzles, special foot pedal controls, specialized lighting in the cabinet, and other improvements.
When you are purchasing equipment for Etching Machine glass you are much better off purchasing it from one of the few companies that specialize in equipment for glass. It won’t cost you much more, if any more, than equivalent equipment used for other purposes, but it will save you hours of time converting the other equipment for glass, not to mention the cost in dollars to do it. Let's take a closer look.
There are three major components to a glass etching setup: 1) an air compressor (at right), 2) a Shot Blasting Machine (in the middle), and 3) a blasting cabinet with a dust collector (at the left). The air compressor produces the pressurized air that powers the sandblaster and must do so in adequate quantity for the blaster you will be using. The blaster stores the abrasive and provides a method of combining the abrasive with the compressed air and directing it effectively at the glass. The Etching Machine blasting cabinet provides a contained environment in which to blast so that the spent abrasive and blasting dust is controlled while allowing the full vision of the project being etched.
Air Compressors
A complete discussion of air compressors could take a whole book, but a short introduction will have to suffice here. Compressors are rated in terms of how much air they put out at a given pressure Etching Machine. This is usually expressed something like Output - 11 CFM (cubic feet of air per minute) @ 90 PSI (pounds per square inch of air pressure). These numbers are always used together because when one changes, the other changes as well.
You should never buy a compressor by horsepower because there are small consumer compressors and large industrial compressors that have the same horsepower rating, but which put out vastly different amounts of air. Always buy a compressor based on how much air it puts out. When you Etching Machine for sale in India purchases equipment, you should get a compressor that puts out at least 2-3 times the volume of air required by the blaster you will be using, at the desired blasting pressure. So, you have to know which blaster you will be using before you buy a compressor.
There are only two types of blasters, siphon blasters, and pressure blasters. Siphon blasters are cheaper, but inefficient and use a lot of air. Pressure blasters are more expensive but are much faster and easier to use. Pressure blasters also use less air from the compressor, which allows you to use a smaller compressor or causes less wear and tear on an existing compressor. Etching Machine for sale in India a standard-sized pressure blaster is not prohibitively expensive for most people but should be specially set up for use on glass.
This means you should purchase from a distributor who specifically configures their equipment for glass etching. Read the specs for the blaster (nozzle size and air requirements) to find out how much air you need from the compressor.
Blasting Cabinets
Blasting cabinets come in all sizes and configurations. The ones best for glass are wider and taller (with respect to their depth from front to back), than ordinary cabinets. This accommodates flat sheets of glass best, without requiring that the person doing the blasting have extra-long arms.
Most cabinets allow blasting of only as large a piece of glass as will fit through the door, so the door has to be as large as possible. However, some cabinets are specially made for larger pieces of glass and have slotted openings in the sides and top of the cabinet, Etching Machine allows large pieces to be passed through, blasting a little at a time. Gaskets on the moveable slots keep abrasive from getting out. These cabinets are really your best investment because they can accommodate both large and small pieces of glass equally well.8j They are the most expensive cabinets, though.
Sand Blasting cabinet for glass should have incandescent, point-source lighting rather than fluorescent lights. A dust collector is essential, to keep the dust level low enough in the cabinet so you can see what you are blasting. Again, there are many manufacturers out there, but only a few that set their equipment up especially for decorative blasting on substrates such as glass.
Etching Machine Blast rooms
Etching Machine, Of course, you can build a whole blast room to blast large pieces of glass. But that means you have space for it in your shop (most blast rooms are at least 8' long x 8' high x 6' deep). You also have to equip it with a large dust collection system and a source of clean breathing air, because you will be going inside the room to blast. You always have to wear protective gear for your face and exposed skin.
Equipment is a big subject to tackle, and it is explained much more in-depth in our books and videos.
Although glass is one of the safer crafts you can do, it does involve a high-pressure air breather, so there are certain things you have to be careful of.
When blasting, always protect your eyes and your skin from the abrasive particles from the blaster. This is generally done by blasting in a self-contained blasting cabinet with gloves. The gloves protect your hands and arms and the window in the cabinet protects your face and eyes while allowing you to see into the cabinet to control the etching of the glass. If you are blasting in a blast room or outside, you should always wear gloves and a blasting hood.
Etching Machine in India
Etching Machines for sale in India are important, you should always protect your lungs from exposure to blasting dust. If you are blasting in a blasting cabinet, the cabinet's dust collector will take care of the dust generated while blasting, but you must follow the manufacturer's recommended procedures for proper maintenance of the dust collector for it to be effective. Otherwise, wear a good quality, dual cartridge respirator (with dust cartridges) anytime you are exposed to the dust - like when you refill the blaster, sweep the floor, empty the dust collector, and when opening and closing the door of the blast cabinet to insert or take out the glass you are etching, etc.
Etching Machine anytime you blast in a blast room you will be exposed to concentrated levels of dust, and a cartridge-type respirator is inadequate to protect you in that situation Thermal Spray Gun. You should use a separate air-supplied hood and air pump certified for breathing air when you are in a blast room.
If the noise from the dust collector is loud, or when you blast in a blast room at higher pressures, you would also be wise to wear earplugs or other hearing protectors.
Abrasive glass etching Machine
Abrasive glass etching machine is not nearly as dangerous as many types of woodworking, welding, jewelry making, or even pottery. However, it is important to educate yourself about what dangers there are and to protect yourself. Always read and follow the manufacturer's safety procedures and you should be very safe. Exporter of air compressor breather filters in India at low prices for sale. We also provide sand blasting machine Portable Shot Blasting Machine, Sand Blasting Nozzles, Dust Collector, Grit Blasting Machine, Thermal Spray Gun, Metalizing gun, pressure blasting cabinet, etc Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India with the best quality.
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