The Down Draft Booth System is designed for painting difficult-to-handle heavy parts and huge components, such as wagons, earthmoving machines, vehicle chassis, trailers, and so on. Air moves from top to bottom in a Down Draft Paint Booth. Air Draft is directed toward the ground or the exhaust chamber.
Depending on the size of the component, the Wet Downdraft Booth can be a single-sided or double-sided extraction chamber. The painter paints all sides of the component with expertise. The grating is used to remove the overspray paint particles, which are then discharged into the water tank. Paint particles are allowed to create a paint sludge after turbulent action, and Paint Free air is vented to blowers and then to the atmosphere.
In large manufacturing, where paint consumption is considerable, a water wash downdraft paint booth is used. Such a down draught paint booth system necessitates extensive civil work for both the paint booth and the paint sludge disposal system.
Down Draft Paint Booth for Sale
When paint consumption is low down draft paint booth system in India can be considered in a dry back overspray are directed through metal baffles & replaceable filters as per autocoat 4 level filtration to exhaust paint-free air in the atmosphere to full fill pollution norms. Dry Back Down Draft Spray Booth with improved 4 level filtration system reduces recurring filter replacement cost to amazingly low when compared with Thermal Spray Booth the competition.
Gives a lot of down draft booth options while deciding large dry down draft booth or water type down draft booth. Down Draft Booth is widely popular by names Down Draft Painting Booth, Dry Down Draft Spray Booth, Dry Down Draft Paint Booth & similarly, Wet Down Draft Paint Booth, Wet Down Draft Spray Booth, Wet Down Draft Painting Booth.
Our engineering selection charts and engineers teach the right methods while choosing a large down Draft paint booth or small down draft booth. When the product is of large size and unable to handle many times for painting purposes, a down draft booth comes as a perfect solution. We supplied a large no of down draft booth in India, Indian-made down draft booth as well imported down draft booth.
When picking between a huge dry down draft booth and a water-type down draft booth, there are many alternatives. Down Draft Booth is also known as Down Draft Paint Booth System. Dry Down Draft Spray Booth, and wet Shot Blasting Machine. Our engineering selection charts and engineers offer the proper ways for salecting a large or small down draft paint booth.
A Down Draft booth is an ideal choice when the product is huge and difficult to handle multiple times for painting purposes in India, We delivered a huge number of down draft booths, Both Indian-made and international down draft booths.
Down Draft Paint Booth System price in India
Down Dreft Painting Booth is designed for hand spray of the largest types of work-earth moving equipment, tractors, locomotives, buses, crenes. Depending on the nature of the work, larine and Different materials handling equipment. Open type Large Dry Down Draft Paint Booth is most popular & cost-effective for all industrial products.
The specialty of Down Draft Booth fulfills. Complies to Operator Safetyachieves Fire Safetyfuifiis Pollution Norms. Helps to achieve a quality of paint finish.ge Down Draft Spray Booths may be either single-sided or doble-sided and open partly enclosed or fully enclosed. Airflow is vertical from top to bottom through either an open roof or through an air replacement system. Depending on the work to be carried out in large sand blasting mach.
Features of Down Draft Paint Booth System
- Rugged design
- Require less maintenance
- Unmatched performance
- Less power consumption
- Longer functional life
- Hassle-free performance
Down Draft Paint Booth System in India
Down Draft Paint Booth System Exporter of Air compressor breather filters in India at low prices for sale. We also provide a Sand Blasting Machine, Portable Shot Blasting Machine, Sand Blasting Nozzles, Dust Collector, Grit Blasting Machine, Thermal Spray Gun, Metalizing Gun, Pressure Blasting Cabinet, etc In Rajasthan, India with the best quality.
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