Dry-Slaked Lime Powder
Dry-Slaked Lime Powder, a chemical compound, is more commonly known by the name Calcium hydroxide.

Quick Lime Powder
Quick Lime Powder also known as Calcium oxide (CaO) or burnt lime, is a chemical compound that is widely used.

Lime Putty
Lime Putty is a multipurpose, time-tested high-calcium lime binder used to create lime mortar, lime plaster, lime render, and limewash.

Fat Lime
Fat Lime is a type of lime that contains a high concentration of calcium oxide.

Slaked Lime
Slaked Lime is created through the slaking process, which involves combining quick lime with water.

Hydrated Lime Powder
Hydrated Lime Powder is the process of slaking calcium oxide Quick Lime Powder with water, which is a dry, colourless crystalline powder.

Pure Lime
Pure Lime is also called rich, common, air, slaked, slack, pickling, hydrated, and high calcium lime.

Black Lime Powder
Black Lime Powder is made up of Calcium carbonate, sometimes known as calcite and it is the main component of all lime powder such as slaked lime powder, fat lime, dry-slaked lime.

Hydraulic Lime
Hydraulic lime is a generic term used for calcium oxide, a type of lime that sets by hydration and is also known as quicklime.